Carbon Fibre

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Carbon Fibre

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Had a brainwave that instead of building an aluminium dash for the Menace - that I could build this in, yes you've guessed it, Carbon Fibre.
Now I havent attempted any laying up since I left the engineering side of good old Britannia Airways a good few years back, so has anyone built anything out of carbon fibre recently.
I have the menace dash sitting in the garage at the moment, had intended to manufacture a wooden box, arrange the dash as the male side of the mould, then fill the female side with expanding foam. When this has cured, remove the dash, fill areas as required, sand smooth then seal.
Then using the carbon fibre lay this into the mould and hey presto, bobs your uncle a carbon fibre dash panel.
Unfortuntley I dont have access to a VacPac - so whichever resin I use wont be the full monty - but as this will just be for hiding the electrics and for instrumentation, its not going to be needed to be structural.
So - am I missing anything here :wink: sounds WAY too easy to me!
Reason behind this - thought a carbon fibre dash would look nicer than an alloy one - keeps the interior looking 'original' :D and, I would have thought - weigh less than the original and an alloy one....
Cheers for any advice

Post by Guest »

Cheers Steve,
Looks like this could well be good to go, found a place on the net thats has all the supplies I need, and not including my time, materials look like they will come in at under ?100 8)
Just hope it turns out OK and not some scabby looking thing !
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