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Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 9:22 am
by Holly
Sorry, but I've long been in favour of Connected becoming part of this site rather than printed (a Connected opt-out would bring this within a couple of years IMO).

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 9:25 am
by Holly
Prothed wrote:I have no idea what difference it would make financially, but I used to like Connected more when it was just a photocopied fanzine.
I appreciate the time and effort that must go into producing the very professional magazine we have now - but I wonder if it is justified...
A lot of the motivation to move to the current format was initially to save reproduction costs - the photocopied version used to cost more than the current colour glossy.

Connected still takes up the lion's share of membership costs.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 9:37 am
by Ivor
I have a very open mind on this and I believe input like this can only help the club move forward and improve.

However, in this instance have to consider that about two thirds of the MMA's members, either have no access to the internet or do not wish to, for whatever reason, frequent the site, therefore the majority of members do rely on a hard copy of Connected arriving in the post.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 9:47 am
by Guy
Holly wrote:
Prothed wrote:I have no idea what difference it would make financially, but I used to like Connected more when it was just a photocopied fanzine.
I appreciate the time and effort that must go into producing the very professional magazine we have now - but I wonder if it is justified...
A lot of the motivation to move to the current format was initially to save reproduction costs - the photocopied version used to cost more than the current colour glossy.

Connected still takes up the lion's share of membership costs.
But surely reducing the number of connected printed would put up the printing cost, unless it was abandoned completly in favour of an online pdf style magaizine maybe that would encourage more members to use the forum but it could also deter members from joining the club. I am in favour of a pdf style mag and keeping the membership price the same and using the extra revenue to help promote the club in other ways, which would help to gain more members..

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 9:48 am
by db
The £30 a year, as has been said before, is for membership to the club, this has many benefits, only ONE of which is the magazine.
You CANNOT pick and choose which benefits of the club you wish to pay for.
I haven't been to the Nats this year, can i have a discount?
I haven't bought anything from MMA discounted traders this year can i have a discount?

If you can't organise yourself to save £2 a month- (lets face it, it ain't exactly a surprise EVERY December when the reminder lands on yer doormat :roll: )then yes, maybe the management could look into a monthly direct debit option for the financially challenged (you wouldn't even have to renew each year, it would just happen! This would retain those who forget or just can't be bothered :thumbright: )

The only way Connected should be allowed to change or stop is if a proper poll is taken, via Connected, to see how many people would lose out if it stopped or went online.
At what percentage/ number you'd say 'tough, it's going' is a management decision.
Anyone not online would immediately leave and if they'd paid up a years subs would have to be compensated for the mags they paid for & didn't get.
Personally, i like the magazine. It's part of the clubs foundations. I say keep it.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 11:13 am
by Dave-R
Do the car magazines get sent free issues of our mag? If not they should and the members made aware of it. If you knew a magazine editor was reading it you might be more inclined to write something about your car for Connected. ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 11:25 am
by latil
One criticism of Connected,and I have no idea how it can be approached.
Advertising. Members ads are generally lifted from the message board and then published in Connected,often 3 months out of date when items have been sold. Not very fair on those that don't have/use the internet.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 1:05 pm
by MattH
latil wrote:One criticism of Connected,and I have no idea how it can be approached.
Advertising. Members ads are generally lifted from the message board and then published in Connected,often 3 months out of date when items have been sold. Not very fair on those that don't have/use the internet.
This is about the only place that ads appear from now, very few if any go direct to the mag. So lifting from the forum is the only way to get those ads to members that done frequent the forum.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 1:12 pm
by Anonymous
Dave wrote:Do the car magazines get sent free issues of our mag? If not they should and the members made aware of it. If you knew a magazine editor was reading it you might be more inclined to write something about your car for Connected. ;)
Yes they do Dave. Andy Craig, former Deputy Ed at CA was very kind with his comments.
latil wrote:One criticism of Connected,and I have no idea how it can be approached.
Advertising. Members ads are generally lifted from the message board and then published in Connected,often 3 months out of date when items have been sold. Not very fair on those that don't have/use the internet.
All ads should be send to Clivey. He's Ad Rep and he lifts from the board as he rarely gets sent any.

I keep trying to respond to this thread but have been unable to at this time.

Re: Poll!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 1:21 pm
by MattH
Trigger_Andy wrote:Where does all the money that comes from Membership's go? I understand its not all on Running this site and Connected but do we really need to advertise for new members so much when we are loosing grass roots members?

The majority of cost is producing and posting the magazine. We spend virtually nothing on advertising the club or events now. When did you last see an ad for the club in any of the big magazines?
Last ad for Brooklands in ACW was many years ago, as the target audience is here, within the club.

If some one out there has the know how and time to devise a system for running membership with an opt out system, then PLEASE make yourself known. Mandie has run the membership with my help since 2003, and if it ain't broke don't fix it works for us.

If it needs a big change, it won't be us that administer it I'm afraid, we spend alot of time to run it as is, and could not physically manage it. We have jobs, a family and the same day to day issues every one does, as well as trying to fit in the volunteer time for the club. Some clubs have paid administrative staff, such as RS owners club, Triumph Sports Six Club etc. We have always done this voluntarily.

As far as the club magazine costs, to reduce it numerically just for those that want it would see the per issue cost rise.

A poll in the magazine would be a good idea. the last one we did received 50 replies out of 500 members. We can only assume those that don't reply but still remain members are happy with how things are.
I love this club and have been here from day one. I want to see it stay as a way of bringing like minded people together in whatever way is felt most appropriate.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 1:42 pm
by latil
Do any lapsed members get a courtesy call to find out why they didn't renew?
The feedback could be very useful.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 2:11 pm
by Anonymous
May be it's time for a revamp. If the Mag costs most of the membership, put it online and if members want to read it they will soon find a computer to see it. Reduce the membership cost so more new members will join or stay instead of leaving.

Use some of the money saved from the paper connected mag to pay Matt and Mandie for all their hard work sorting out the membership etc



Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 2:14 pm
by Dave-R
What would be the point of an online magazine? It would be just the same as the message board only without the stupid comments. Most of the content would be the same though.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 2:41 pm
by Dave999
if we can't persuade 450 members to log on here cos they can't do computers

how many of them will own a net book and be able to read an on line connected

in bed
in the loo.



Posted: Tue Jan 26, 10 4:35 pm
by SteveCase
Maybe the renewal date should be changed so as not to be too close to Christmas? Perhaps this would help people out a bit? Maybe March-March, when there's no shows etc? :thumbright: