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Saturday Night and Sunday morning in Camberley 8th/9th August!

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 20 8:21 pm
by Mark Rumble
For anyone not on Facebook I've got a couple of things planned for the weekend of 8/9th August!
Saturday night is an American Graffiti Drive-In Movie night at Camberley Town FC,time is 7.45pm arrival for 8.45pm start,audio is through bluetooth headsets and it's £25 for a cafe with up to 4 people.. 4 spaces available if interested!
Sunday morning is the official return of Bagshot Breakfast Meet at Pine Ridge Golf Club from 9am until 12pm,breakfast available but it's table service and card payment only to comply with government guidelines,we're in the function room with tables set out maximum 5 seats per table.
If you fancy the drive in message me so I can book you in,if you want to join us for Breakfast just turn up!