Search found 281 matches

by paolo_mangusta
Wed Jan 08, 25 7:09 pm
Forum: Parts
Topic: ‘69 Dart convertible parts
Replies: 3
Views: 991

Re: ‘69 Dart convertible parts

by paolo_mangusta
Tue Dec 03, 24 8:01 am
Forum: Wanted
Topic: Leaf springs
Replies: 7
Views: 2100

Re: Leaf springs

That would work out great, cheers - I'll pm you Stu to sort out payment
by paolo_mangusta
Sun Dec 01, 24 1:26 pm
Forum: Wanted
Topic: Leaf springs
Replies: 7
Views: 2100

Re: Leaf springs

Thanks Stu, I can probably work something out as Neil says - whereabouts are you and what would you want for them?


by paolo_mangusta
Sun Dec 01, 24 10:23 am
Forum: Wanted
Topic: Leaf springs
Replies: 7
Views: 2100

Leaf springs

Have some cracks in two of the bottom leaves on one side on my 65 Barracuda (looks like the bolt through the middle was overtightened by a previous owner). The main leaf looks fine, as are all the leaves on the other side. Anyone got any A-body leaf springs available, or failing that any other ...
by paolo_mangusta
Fri Mar 06, 20 9:12 am
Forum: Events
Topic: NSRA Swap meet
Replies: 11
Views: 2590

Re: NSRA Swap meet

I'll be there after missing a couple of years, looking for fiddly Barracuda bits like UJ bolts and straps, brake hardware, pipe fittings that kind of thing, and trying not to get tempted into buying things I can't afford or that turn out to be broken when I get them home (as usual) :lol: See you ...
by paolo_mangusta
Mon Apr 10, 17 9:11 am
Forum: The Workshop
Topic: 1966 Barracuda X's 2
Replies: 176
Views: 83304

that K frame drop is a very interesting tweak! Unless I'm misunderstanding, as the steering is bolted to the K frame, the effect is coming from the change in the relationship between the lower and upper suspension points, and how the line between them relates to the pivot points of the track rods ...
by paolo_mangusta
Mon Dec 05, 16 8:01 am
Forum: General Stuff
Topic: Disappearing message?
Replies: 3
Views: 896

ah, cheers Martin, maybe that's it...
by paolo_mangusta
Sat Dec 03, 16 3:49 pm
Forum: General Stuff
Topic: Disappearing message?
Replies: 3
Views: 896

Disappearing message?

Got a notification I had a new PM, but nothing in my inbox :?

Inbox isn't full so don't know what's happened there.

Please try again if you're reading this :thumbright:
by paolo_mangusta
Sat Jul 23, 16 10:46 am
Forum: Race Only
Topic: anyone know if you can buy methanol at the track at Shakey?
Replies: 1
Views: 7447

anyone know if you can buy methanol at the track at Shakey?

delivery people didn't bother delivering so wondering what my odds are of getting some tomorrow :-/
by paolo_mangusta
Tue Apr 05, 16 9:39 pm
Forum: Race Only
Topic: shifting a race glide? tips required!!
Replies: 9
Views: 10699

No. All ready to go, great weather, not too busy, started up well and sounded mean as hell. Then it started venting and smoking out of the left bank more and more and dripping oil and it was clear that a run was too risky. If I'm lucky, it's the head gasket, if not maybe a ring gone.
by paolo_mangusta
Wed Mar 30, 16 11:53 am
Forum: Race Only
Topic: shifting a race glide? tips required!!
Replies: 9
Views: 10699

yep. it's definitely a whole different ball game from running the Dart. The risk of stalling on the line or sputtering up the strip isn't far from my mind.

Though to be honest, having given it the beans even briefly, the sheer terror will probably block out the embarrassment factor :D
by paolo_mangusta
Wed Mar 30, 16 10:31 am
Forum: Race Only
Topic: shifting a race glide? tips required!!
Replies: 9
Views: 10699

ok, just down to me being brave/stupid enough to just keep my foot in it then :-D
by paolo_mangusta
Wed Mar 30, 16 8:35 am
Forum: Race Only
Topic: shifting a race glide? tips required!!
Replies: 9
Views: 10699

shifting a race glide? tips required!!

I'm hoping to run my slingshot properly for the first time at Shakey this Sunday, and it has occurred to me that since I've only done a couple of short first gear blasts before engine problems emerged I don't really know what happens when I change gear :D It's a Godley race glide, so is it simply a ...
by paolo_mangusta
Sun Mar 20, 16 10:33 pm
Forum: The Mopar Lounge
Topic: 318 to 340/360 ... Hints and Tips ?
Replies: 29
Views: 3832

Having gone through the upgrade process with my last Dart, swapping to 340+727 I've got to say that I'd consider just working over the 318 and using the 904 if you're mostly just having fun with it as a road car. I had a bit of bad luck with things like the propshaft company not balancing it ...
by paolo_mangusta
Mon Jan 04, 16 12:42 pm
Forum: Engine, Carburation & Electrics
Topic: 2003 magnum 5.9 into 1972 Dart
Replies: 9
Views: 1440

if you decide to avoid the cross member surgery and fit a 5.9 to a 727, I have the right B&M flexplate for that, was about to list it on ebay but happy to hold on to it for you if you want? I think given the way the DVLA/VOSA seem to have it in for modified cars I'd be pretty careful about chopping ...