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Are You Qualified ?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 2:01 pm
by Gareth
............. to catch a bus ? ... g-bus.html

What's next ? A GCSE in tying your own shoelaces ?


Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 2:16 pm
by Holly
Excellent material for the guy who recently got a degree in standup comedy :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 2:52 pm
by Charger
it's all down to the unique way in which the government wastes our taxes :roll: :? :thumbright:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 3:39 pm
by Ivor
I bet nobody at the examination board or indeed in government has been awarded a certificate in common sense. :read2:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 3:40 pm
by Dave999

ideal fodder for team meeeting

i'm off to print some out

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 3:42 pm
by Stu
I feel slightly sorry for his younger brother, who didn't get his! :D

Doofus... :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 3:54 pm
by Anonymous
We shouldnt skoff!

Now it someones job to train people how to do things we didn't need training for............... :shock:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 5:03 pm
by Dave999
i suppose its better than

Basic food hygiene

i like going to a take away knowing that the person who serves me has a certificate in BASIC food hygiene.

i'd be happier if they had intermediate or indeed top notch 1st class honors food hygiene given that food and hygiene really are key components, in fact the only really important parts of running a takeaway but still

now i know that they know the difference between the toilet and the fridge and that they should try not to dry cow and sheep blood up with lettuce leaves

I once got a certificate for making a Victoria sponge off the gas board but i no longer list it on my CV.


Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 6:16 pm
by TW71
Jobs for boys (and girls) :x

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 09 11:04 pm
by Holly
Steady Dave, I've got a certificate in BASIC food hygene and I'll have you know it took a lot of hard work and effort to get it. It was a tough 15 minutes, I can tell you!

Part of my job is handling test results from the FSP (aged 4 and 5) through to A levels. The Labour administration has pushed schools into chasing numbers all the time, I started doing this job when Tony Blair was saying "Education, Education, Education" and its just gone downhill from there - where is the validity in GCSEs when most of the kids can get 5 or more C+ grades? It just makes all GCSEs worthless.

Come to think of it, I've never had to show any of my employers any of my certificates apart from the BASIC food hygene one, so its more valuable than all the other crap put together!