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Ultimate Low Rider

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 11 12:38 am
by drewcrane

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 11 1:13 am
by RobTwin
Hope there's no speed bumps where they live :?

UK style, circa 1989....

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 11 11:28 am
by Adam
I remember that Imp - the "sunroof" allows the driver to sit up, like on a Kart.

But that Beetle? :shock: Is there really someone in that thing? They must be laying on their back?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 11 1:11 pm
by Dave81
I would not want to be next, to or even worse, come face to face with a 40 ton truck in that.... :deadski:

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 11 10:31 pm
by Anonymous
I love it but would have to put a saddle and handlebrs on it to drive it.
:scratch: :D

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 11 11:45 pm
This is predictable! :oops: but is B1 Bri the driver? :) i think the guy with the shades is bowled over by it.