Pete Wiseman
Having owned far more Mopars over the years than can be listed here, Pete has recently taken on the role of MMA Chairman and is now the new driving force behind the club.
- 07837 789840

Stuart and Robert Lane
Committee Members
Stuart and Robert have owned their Sport Satellite since 1985 and their Polara 500 since 2004 and have been active members of the MMA since 2002 and also the Mopar Muscle Club GB before that. Robert can usually be distinguished from Stuart as the one with the camera and has been a regular contributor of photographs to the club magazine, website and occasionally Classic American magazine.

Tony Oksien
Honorary President
A special mention should be made of the late Tony O, the founder of the MMA and former Honorary President, without whom the MMA would never have existed. He was also the driving force behind the Mopar Euro Nationals, the best Mopar show outside the U.S.A.