Category: Drag Racing

Posts related to Drag Racing

Just a reminder that the Euronats team have kindly let the Mopar Muscle Association (MMA) run the “Clash of the ”A” Bodies” competitions at the Nats this year again.

Just a reminder that the Euronats team have kindly let the Mopar Muscle Association (MMA) run the Paul Worrow memorial Class race competition at the Nats this year again. This is a special “race” in memory of one of our real (larger than life) characters who sadly passed away. Who can ever forget “Broadsword calling Danny Boy”? Gone, but most certainly not forgotten.

Mopar Euronationals 2016 MMA Member’s Discount Form

The biggest MOPAR event outside the USA


Don’t forget to download and print your Mopar Euronationals 2016 MMA member’s discount form in order to get your entry discount on the gate at Santa Pod!

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